Dueling Tree - Rifle Rated
We believe in the beauty of simplicity, and our Dueling trees are no exception. They don't need to be uneccessarily complex or bulky. They need to be consistent, and resiliant, with assembly so easy your grandma can do it. (Zero offense to grandma, who we know is a strong independant woman who don't need no man. P.s. We miss you Betty White)
Design features include:
- Low Profile Tower (because who wants something big and bulky to shoot?)
- Rifle Rated 5" Flaps (1/2" AR500) that are extended away from the tower
- Easily inserted into the collapsible base
Return Policy
If you have any problems whatsoever with this product, we'll fix it. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction, so we try and make it easy for you to return our products, because we're confident you never will.